Submission guidelines

In order to ensure editorial consistency, please adhere to the following guidelines. We hope that this document answers all your stylistic queries; if you have any style-related questions, please feel free to address them to dr. Joanna Wardega (
  • Deadline for submitting the papers: September 30, 2015. We would like the book to be published in early 2016 by the Jagiellonian University Press.
  • Page limit: 20 pages (i.e. 36,000 characters with spaces, including footnotes and references). Longer papers will unfortunately have to be abridged.
  • Paper language: English only. We expect all contributors to submit their papers in English. The texts will be proofread, but we cannot provide English translations.
  • E-mail for submitting the papers:
  • Apart from the paper, all authors are kindly asked to also submit information about themselves in a separate .doc file, containing: name, academic degree and position, institutional affiliation, two titles of the most significant books published and subject matter of published articles (titles of the journals where these articles have been published may also be included), academic interests and ongoing research.
  • All contributions should be submitted in both .doc and .pdf files. All texts should use 12 pt. Times New Roman and 宋体 (for Chinese characters), and 1.5 line spacing. For papers regarding issues from before the language reform in the PRC (mid-1950s), authors should choose between simplified or traditional Chinese characters (however, the usage of characters should be consistent: please do not use both traditional and simplified characters in the same paper). For papers regarding contemporary issues, please use simplified characters. Regardless of the topic of your paper, please use pinyin romanization in the transcription of Chinese characters.
  • We cannot pay any royalties for the papers submitted. Authors shall agree to make the factual and linguistic corrections required by the book's editor and proofreader. Each author shall guarantee that her/his contribution is original and has not been published previously (a separate copyright form shall be sent to you subsequently for completion).
  • Each author shall receive a copy of the published book, as well as a .pdf file containing her/his paper.
Foreign words
Words in languages other than English (including pinyin) should be written in italics. For Chinese characters use normal fonts:
The term 时尚 shishang ("trend") is contrasted with another one: "fashion" (时髦 shimao).
All notes should appear as footnotes. If you need to refer to a publication from the reference list, apply the rules specified below.
In-text citations
Both in footnotes and in in-text citations, only mention the author's (authors') surname, year of publication and page number. Titles and the remaining bibliographical data should only be given in the reference list.
According to Anderson (1991), "Nationality, or [...] nationness, as well as nationalism, are cultural artefacts of a particular kind" (p. 4)
"Nationality, or [...] nationness, as well as nationalism, are cultural artefacts of a particular kind" (Anderson, 1991, p. 4)
If you quote fragments placed on more than one page: (pp. 4-5) or (Anderson, 1991, pp. 4-5)
For repeated citations, use Ibid.
Reference list
The reference list should be placed at the end of the paper and contain only those sources that were cited in the body of your paper.
Please translate into English all titles in other languages (including Chinese).
Capitalize all major words in journal titles (unless they are originally written without letters).  In titles of books, articles, or chapters, capitalize the first letter of the first word in the title, as well as the first word after a colon or dash in the title, and proper nouns.
Tao Dongfeng 陶东风 (2002). Wenhua yanjiu: Xifang yu Zhongguo (文化研究:西方与中国, Cultural studies: The West and China). Beijing: Beijing Shifan Daxue chubanshe.
Tomlinson, J. (1999). Globalization and culture. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Articles and chapters:
Theiss, J.M. (2002). Femininity in flux: Gendered virtue and social conflict in the mid-Qing courtroom. In S. Brownell & J.N. Wasserstrom (Eds.). Chinese femininities, Chinese masculinities: A reader (pp. 47-66). Berkeley: University of California Press.
Schein, L. (1994). The consumption of color and the politics of white skin in post-Mao China. Social Text, 41, 141-164.
Liu Shengzhi 刘胜枝, Qi Xuejie 齐雪洁 (2006). Shishang zazhi nüxing xingxiang de san da moshi (时尚杂志女性形象的三大模式, Three major women's images in fashion magazines).  Hebei Xuekan (《河北学刊》), 26, 2, 230-233.
Translated works:
Perelman, C. (2004). Imperium retoryki. Retoryka i argumentacja (The realm of rhetoric. Rhetoric and argumentation; transl. by M. Chomicz). Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
The above guidelines generally follow the APA standard. For more information, you may refer to Purdue OWL: APA Formatting and Style Guide